I help everyday leaders develop the character, confidence and competence required to lead their teams with a culture of excellence, courage, and commitment!

Leadership is a tough and rewarding journey; don’t do it alone!

Wherever you are in your leadership, there is always is a next step towards becoming the best for you and your team. Brittany offers customized, no fluff, focused coaching to ensure your leadership growth never stops!

Free Workbook

One of the most important decisions a leader can make is to decide to take some time to actually reflect on their leadership. You grow when you know where you are. Click on the workbook below and sign up to receive this free workbook to help you reflect and grow in your leadership!

“Leaders are made, they are not born.
They are made by hard effort, which is the price which
all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.”
- Vince Lombardi


  • YOU! The Growing Leader

    Congratulations, you are seeking growth! That sets you apart already! I love working 1-on-1 with leaders who acknowledge their need for growth! Let’s work together to grow YOU today!

  • Management Teams

    Do you have divisions and departments? Do you hire and promote new leaders? I do training and 1-on-1 coaching for your new leaders and help them be successful for and with you!

  • Small Businesses

    Did you have a great idea for a business, start it, and find yourself needing more tools and skills to lead your team to new heights? Do you have managers? I specialize in training and coaching specifically for you!

  • Churches

    Leading in a church can be especially hard, either as a pastor, staff, or key volunteer. With a lifetime of church attendance, volunteering, and real-time leadership, I can help you ensure your church has the healthy organizational culture necessary for your mission!

  • Non-Profits

    Non-Profits add so much to our world and have some of the biggest hearts on staff and in their volunteers. I can help you train and develop your team to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness so you can reach and serve even more!

  • Schools

    School administrators, coaches, counselors, and teachers, you are all some of the most critical influencers out there! I can help you add the leadership skills and team building necessary to help maximize your influence!

  • Civic Organizations

    City and County leaders and membership organizations, you are entrusted by your members to steward and lead excellently! I can help you make sure you don’t leave that to chance!